Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Art Muse Sessions begin Feb 18, 2015 Wed. 7-10pm. at The Mill Pond Gallery

                                Art Muse Sessions 
                              begin Feb 18, 2015
                                    Wed. 7-10pm.
  at The Mill Pond Gallery, 314 Mill St. Richmond Hill, On. #905-770-7449,

                                                 8 sessions for $250 
                 Instruction with Lia Ghazarian and Sue Foerster  Instructor asst.
                   Discover drawing from direct observation & painting with confidence
                                            Develope your own personal style 
 Journey through colour and experiment with artist palettes, Zorn, Munsell, and Cezanne

Fist day material list Feb 18 Wed, 7-10pm.

Material List/Art Muse Sessions
2 flat brushes small/large bristle brush if using oil
palette knife
palette wood or glass or wax paper sheets
graphite soft 6b's and hard lead 2h
newsprint paper
fabriano paper
canvas 18"by 24"'or size of your choice

acrylic paint,
Mars black or bone black, yellow ochre, pyrole red or crimson, titanium and zinc white for transparent effect

matt medium gell

oil paint,
paynes grey, yellow ochre, pyrole red or crimson, titanium and zinc white for special effects
liquin original medium or copal

Lia Ghazarian Instructor

Sue Foerster Assistant
