Friday, 15 May 2015

Art Muse Session will resume September Wed. 7-9pm. with Lia and Sue at the Mill Pond Gallery

                 Join us for an Art Muse Session

                   in September, 2015 Wednesday


                                  with instructors

                       Lilian Ghazarian and Sue Foerster

Work from life and be inspired with a still life

transform it with a Corot Palette and composition

and elevate it with your personality.

The Mill Pond Gallery, 314 Mill St., Richmond Hill


8 sessions for 250 dollars/includes materials/student grade acrylic paint/canvas board

                       35 dollar drop in fee

Painting with Corot Palette
  • Yellow ocher, or gold ocher
  • Burnt sienna
  • Ivory Black, or blue black
  • Indian red
  • Vermilion, well not real vermilion but a vermilion colored equivalent, probably not cadmium red. A permanent red from Rermbrandt or Sennelier would fit here. Most of the manufacturers make a warm red like this.
  • Alizarin crimson (permanent)
  • Ultramarine, or Prussian blue, This is to be used in very limited quantities.
  • Possibly viridian, or chromium oxide
  • White Your choice which, but flake (lead) white would be best. However most artists don't like to use that because of it's toxicity so Titanium will probably be your choice.
cad. orange is nice addition


last week we experimented with Cezanne palette is using oil paint but you can bring acrylic if you want to
Brilliant Yellow, Naples yellow, Chrome Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Raw Dienna

Vermillion red, Red Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Rose Madder, Carmine Lake, Burnt Lake,

Emerald Green, Viridian Green, Green Earth

Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine, Prussian Blue,  Pthaloocyanine Blue

Peach Black, Lead white and Raw Umber  with medium walnut oil is great for brushes!

Art Muse Wed. 7-10pm. 35 dollar drop in fee

here is a compositional video to help you 


Thursday, 14 May 2015

Painting a Still Life at Art Muse Session May 13, Wed 7-9pm. with Lia and Sue at the Mill Pond Gallery

May 13, Wed 7-9pm. 
at the Mill Pond Gallery
314 Mill St. 905-770-7449
Art Muse session new time 7-9pm.
with Lia and Sue at the Mill Pond Gallery
Lia and Judy

Judy Shi and Lia

Lia and Judy Shi

Judy Shi and Lia

Judy Shi

Lia's compositional sketch

still life arrangement

Sue's still life painting
still life arrangement
We all had a great time last nite using the colours we had and trying to get it as close as we could to Cezannes's palette below using the acrylic paints provided at Art Muse session.

Cezanne palette is using oil paint but you can bring acrylic if you want to
Brilliant Yellow, Naples yellow, Chrome Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Raw Dienna

Vermillion red, Red Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Rose Madder, Carmine Lake, Burnt Lake,

Emerald Green, Viridian Green, Green Earth

Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine, Prussian Blue,  Pthaloocyanine Blue

Peach Black, Lead white and Raw Umber  with medium walnut oil is great for brushes!

Monday, 11 May 2015

art Muse Session May 13, Wed. 7-10pm. Painting a still life with Cezanne palette at the Mill Pond Gallery

                 Join us for an Art Muse Session

                   May 13, 2015 Wednesday


                                  with instructors

                       Lilian Ghazarian and Sue Foerster

Work from life and be inspired with a still life

transform it with a Cezanne palette and composition

and elevate it with your personality.

The Mill Pond Gallery, 314 Mill St., Richmond Hill


8 sessions for 250 dollars/includes materials/student grade acrylicpaint/canvas board

                       35 dollar drop in fee

Cezanne palette is using oil paint but you can bring acrylic if you want to
Brilliant Yellow, Naples yellow, Chrome Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Raw Dienna

Vermillion red, Red Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Rose Madder, Carmine Lake, Burnt Lake,

Emerald Green, Viridian Green, Green Earth

Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine, Prussian Blue,  Pthaloocyanine Blue

Peach Black, Lead white and Raw Umber  with medium walnut oil is great for brushes!

Art Muse Wed. 7-10pm. 35 dollar drop in fee

here is a compositional video to help you 


Thursday, 7 May 2015

May 6, Wed 7-10pm. Painting a portrait of Vickie at Art Muse session at the Mill Pond Gallery with Lia and sue

Painting a portrait of Vickie at Art Muse session at the Mill Pond Gallery
 with Lia and sue
8 session for 250 dollars which includes cost of model paint and canvas
35 dollar drop in fee

     group pictures using Zorn palette
 at the Mill Pond Gallery 314 Mill Street, 905-770-7449
Lia's drawing of Vickie

Lia's drawing of Vickie

Judy's drawing of Vickie

Vickie our portrait model
Helen's drawing of Vickie

Vickie portrait model

Sue's drawing of Vickie
Add caption

Sue's painting

Helen's painting

Lia's painting of Vickie

Judy's painting

Lia's final work

Helen at work

Sue's painting

Helen's painting

Judy's 2nd painting

Lia's painting

Sue's painting

Sue's painting

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Art Muse Session May 6 with portrait model Vickie @the Mill Pond Gallery

                 Join us for an Art Muse Session

      May 6 29 Wed. 7-10pm. with portrait model Vickie

                                  with instructors

                       Lilian Ghazarian and Sue Foerster

Work from life and be inspired with a portrait model

transform it with a limited palette and composition

and elevate it with your personality.

here is a portrait video to inspire you

sharing highlights from 37th Annual Jury Show

             session will include a discussion of complementary colours.

The Mill Pond Gallery, 314 Mill St., Richmond Hill

                   35 dollar drop in fee

Art Muse Wed. 7-10pm. 35 dollar drop in fee

Here is a video to guide you through the process 

here is a compositional video to help you 


Monday, 27 April 2015

Art Muse Session April 29, Wed. 7-10pm. at the Mill Pond Gallery with Lia and Sue

                 Join us for an Art Muse Session

                         April 29 Wed. 7-10pm.

          with Lilian Ghazarian and Sue Foerster

Work from a black and white photo reference and transform it with a limited palette and composition.

             session will include a discussion of complementary colours.

The Mill Pond Gallery, 314 Mill St., Richmond Hill

                   35 dollar drop in fee

Art Muse Wed. 7-10pm. 35 dollar drop in fee

Here is a video to guide you through the process 

here is a compositional video to help you 


Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Art Muse Session cancelled April 22, Wed 7-10pm will resume April 29 Wed 7-10pm.

Join us when we resume April 29, Wed 7-10pm.
for further exploration of artist palettes and drawing with full arm sweeping motion
at the Mill Pond gallery
314 mill St., Richmond Hill, #905-770-7449

We have a portrait model Vickie 
who will pose for us on May 6, Wed. 7-10pm.
with instruction from Lia and Sue